10 Very Simple Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

It is more important than ever for us to rethink our choices. We need to lessen our environmental impact and here are 15 easy ways to do so.

Reusable Tote Bag is a perfect substitute for single use plastic bag.

Reusable Tote Bag is a perfect substitute for single use plastic bag.

  1. Avoid using Single-use Items:

    • Plastic Bags: Instead of plastic bags keep your totes and grocery bags with you at all times. Reusable tote bags come in different sizes and can fit inside your purse, backpack and can be stored easily in your car.

    • Plastic straws: Plastic straws are so last decade. Have your drink without a plastic straw or carry your reusable straw with you.

    • Paper towels/Paper wraps: Avoid using paper towels when you can. Instead switch to tea towels, organic cotton tea towels can be used to dry your hands and dishes. They also make a perfect gift wrap. Read our blog on 8 ways to use tea towels HERE.

    • Plastic Water Bottles: Today, many schools, parks, beaches, and other places have water taps, so carry your reusable water bottle to refill on the go.

  2. Go Meatless: Producing 0.5 lbs (226g) of potatoes emits the same amount of emissions as driving a small car 0.17 miles (0.2km) while 0.5 lbs of beef emit the same amount of emission as driving the same car 9.8 miles (12.7 km). If you eat meat daily, start participating in meatless Mondays, this is not only good for the environment but also your health. You can read why you should lower your meat consumption HERE. #MeatlessMonday

  3. Switch to a Sustainable/Capsule Wardrobe and don’t fall victim to trendy clothes. Read our blog on how you can support sustainable fashion HERE.

  4. Donate/Sell your Clothing: Before making a donation make sure the clothes are in a usable condition, something you would wear if it was “sparking joy”. HERE are 5 places to donate your clothes.

  5. Reduce your Commute: If you work allows, work from home. Perhaps you can even take public transportation or carpool with your coworkers.

  6. Avoid Wasting Food: The World Economic Forum states that Earth’s 1 billion hungry people could be fed on less than a quarter of the food wasted in the US and Europe. When you waste food resources like seeds, water, labor, money, energy, pest control and fertilizers are also wasted. You can read our blog on how to avoid food waste HERE.

  7. Recycle and Recycle right: Recycling contamination occurs when unrecyclable items are mixed with recyclable items or when recyclable items are prepared incorrectly. In order to reduce recycling contamination, we need to recycle right. HERE are 5 tips for you to recycle right.  

  8. Travel Smartly:  If you have the option, pick a more environmentally friendly way of traveling, and opt for public transportation options. Take your reusable items when you’re traveling and support sustainable hotels and businesses.

  9. Start DIYing: There are ways to make your own toothpaste, shampoo, and toothpaste. Follow eco-influencers like Lauren Singer and Kathryn Kellogg for guides on how to make your own toothpaste and other household essentials.

  10. Raise Awareness by using your Platform: Every action we take at home, work or in public every day affects the Earth. We ourselves need to take a stand and use our own platform to raise awareness about the climate crisis and its solution. We need to spread the message and make sure our friends, family, workers, and community know that, “… [ Climate Change is] the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.”


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