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Top 5 Reasons to purchase Organic Cotton Makeup bags for your brand

In a modern world where we are constantly battling various issues including health, environment, and climate change, what does it mean to be an ecologically sound and conscious brand? To address the question, let's relate to the two most common packaging materials -  paper & cotton.

Paper bags are recyclable and made from a renewable resource. So then, what is the issue?

Paper bags are made from renewable resources and often contain an amount of recycled material. They are compostable and, unlike plastics, do not pose a health risk to animals, ecosystems, or the planet as a whole. But using paper is becoming a growing concern. Why? Let’s find out.

What Is Wrong With Paper Packaging?

The surge of e-shopping has accelerated the consumption of packaging paper. Paper and cardboard are produced in excess of 400 million metric tonnes around the world.

Pulp and paper manufacturing is the third-largest industrial contributor to air, water, and soil pollution. The chlorine-based bleaches used in the paper industry discharge toxic substances into the natural resources. And when paper rots, it releases methane - 25 times more harmful than CO2 gas.

According to AF&PA, the 2020 paper recycling rate was 65.7%, (1.2% lower than the previous year), while the cardboard recycling rate was 88.8% (3.3% lower than the previous year). But the average recycling rate from 2018 to 2020 increased slightly to 92.4%.

Since 2000, the amount of tree cover has decreased by nearly ten percent. 386 million hectares of forest were destroyed between 2001 and 2019. To feed the paper demand, millions of trees are felled every year to make billions of paper bags.

And for what joy? To manufacture bags that are used for a few minutes at a time (even if they are used several times).

But Isn’t Paper Biodegradable?

Paper is a natural composite material manufactured from treated tree fibers. Under the right conditions, paper can break down into smaller pieces at the molecular level. The carbon and other components split and solubilize into the soil. But the crucial point here is that the right conditions must be fulfilled for paper bags to decompose— they will not break down if they are thrown in the trash can. You can recycle, but the disadvantage is that paper recycling is limited. Every recycling cycle shortens the fiber until they are too short to be recycled. As a result, paper is accountable for contributing to approximately 26% of total landfills waste. Deforestation, massive abuse of energy and water, and environmental pollution are some of the few alarming issues paper production brings to the plate.

While the magnitude of the implications from paper bags is determined by the forest management approach and environmental controls during the production process, the number of resources utilized to manufacture paper is insignificant in comparison to their productivity. Paper production taxes heavily on the environment, which is why an alternative that gets the job done without abusing as many resources is the more practical and ethical choice. So, if you are considering eliminating singular-use material and switching to sustainable cloth packaging, here are five reasons that can help with the decision.

Custom makeup Bags Packaging For Businesses

Sustainable packaging is used by brands for a variety of reasons— lowering carbon footprints, corporate social responsibility, increasing sales, retaining customer loyalty.

A Demonstration Of Social Responsibility

Switching to eco-friendly cloth packaging is recognizing the social concerns and taking steps to contribute to sustainability. Custom cotton bags increase the reliability of the brand and add value to the community. Using 100% recyclable, reusable, or compostable fabric is a bold approach to reforming the retail industry for long-term sustainability.

Cutting CO2 Emissions & Shipping Costs

Carbon emissions contribute to climate change and natural calamities. Numerous brands are becoming apprehensive about the emissions of greenhouse gases they produce. Resorting to sustainable packaging minimizes the ecological consequences of the brand all the while keeping the product safe during the transition from the production facility to the consumers. Brands also benefit from the lighter weight of the box, which contributes to value creation, lowered shipping charges, and reduced logistic emissions.

Meeting The Increasing Demands Of Sustainability

The demands and expectations of the consumers are part of the driving force for sustainable packaging solutions. It also fulfills the green mission to end plastics, which helps to lessen marine pollution. In addition, custom cloth bag packaging makes it easier for customers to repurpose it. As a result, the brand retains more consumer’ trust and loyalty. As we know, experiences revenue increase.

Optimized Packaging Saves Money and Eliminates waste

Sustainable packaging reduces shortfalls that destroy the environment and allows companies to operate more efficiently. Reducing carbon footprint results in lower shipping costs and significant cost savings. The first step is to establish a partnership with sustainable packaging suppliers to acquire the special custom cotton bag packaging that is beneficial for both the environment and brand image. Partnerships with ethical suppliers mean there will be less waste in packaging materials given the use of GOTs and Fair Trade certified organic fiber. And reducing packaging waste improves production, operational processes, distribution network sustainability, and boosts investment returns. 

Customer Loyalty and Brand Credibility

Are consumers willing to pay money for environmentally-friendly products? Responsible shoppers concerned about green practices care about the planet and are prepared to support businesses that share their beliefs— 61% of consumers in the United States and 56% in the United Kingdom want to support eco-friendly businesses. 42% of US and UK customers desire products made of sustainable materials. The sustainable packaging of a brand combined indicates that they are willing to change to uphold their principles, which positively impacts their reputation and customer retention.

Empowering Your Business With Eco-Friendly Manufacturers

Packaging is one of the most important solutions to expand the sustainability practices of a brand. A partnership with an eco-friendly packaging supplier is establishing impactful packaging materials to help the brand become an industry captain when it comes to business ethics and social responsibility. The flexible customizable packaging bags can help you minimize environmental footprint, operating costs, and gain consumer trust and loyalty who are fast recognizing the importance of supporting sustainable brands.

Gallant International Inc. - Custom Cotton Packaging Bags

The problem with paper bags is exacerbated by resource conservation, reforestation, and how paper bags are treated after they have served their purpose. Things are more simplified with cotton bags— reusable custom canvas bags last for years and help promote your business. Gallant canvas bags collection is made out of NOP-certified organic cotton and produced according to GOTs benchmarks. They are environmentally friendly, ethical, and free of toxic substances. Our 100% customizable sustainable bags are ideal for brand ventures and exhibitions, ensuring that you have a one-of-a-kind bag that leaves a lasting impression.  

Please get in touch with us to know how we can best serve your sustainable packaging project.