Here’s Why You Should Choose Organic T-shirts For Your Next Corporate Event

Awareness of environmental issues and climate change, sparked by high-profile young campaigners like Greta Thunberg, has fueled conscientious shopping and sustainable living. More customers are opting to shop and support brands that are dedicated to environmental protection— altering their apparel shopping selections to promote a cleaner and healthier environment.
The drive to employ environmentally friendly initiatives has also spread to the events sector. Event planners are becoming more aware of the need to organize events that have a smaller environmental footprint. The event industry has also reaffirmed its dedication to sustainability by presenting an expedited implementation strategy linked with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations (SDGs).

Importance of Green Business Initiatives

Hosting eco-friendly corporate events can be a challenging line to tread— you want to provide a dynamic, interactive experience while also making sure that the event appeases the sustainability objectives of the company. How you choose to conduct a value-driven sustainable event can have an impact on your carbon footprint. 

Green events benefit the environment, people, and your business. Environmentally friendly items prevent waste and curbs carbon emissions, leading to savings that make an impactful difference.

Organic T-shirts For Business-driven Promotions 

A great start to incorporating eco-friendly practices into the company is through organic promotional gifts. Sustainable organic cotton t-shirts can be customized with company logos, making them attractive green corporate gifts to give employees, clients, and even customers, all the while boosting the company’s brand image. 
Organic cotton is farmed in a way that has no negative effects on the environment— uses minimal fertilizers and pesticides. The organic fabric is soft to the last touch and more importantly, incentivizes the green movement toward a more sustainable future. It promotes your business as a conscious change-maker, which is an essential tool for successful business given that 70% of consumers incline towards brands doing right by socio-environment challenges.

Why organic cotton? 

Organic farming is in tune with the natural world, one that we stand upon— soil. It relies on natural processes and cycles to yield nutritious and resistant crops. The application of regenerating methods like crop rotation and composting contribute to soil nutrients and relieve water stress, which positively impacts the harvest outcome. Organic farming prohibits toxic pesticides and artificial fertilizers, enhances biodiversity, sequesters carbon, and manages resources mindfully, all of which nourishes mankind and the planet.

Validating Organic Authenticity  

The detriments of the environmental crisis and excessive release of carbon emissions have pushed more businesses to prioritize green events. Choosing promotional products with a proven track record of sustainability for mitigating climate change is no longer an option but rather paramount. So, how do you ensure your company is partnering with the right supplier, one that manufactures organic products in a way that makes your brand and the environment proud? 
The simplest way to verify organic authenticity is checking if the wholesale supplier for your corporate event is accredited with sustainable certifications like GOTS, Fair Trade, B-Corp, ISO 20121, etc. The manufacturer should also be able to demonstrate that they have made green investments and social cause initiatives. This enables businesses to assess the impact of the events, eliminate waste, and cut carbon emissions.

Sustainable Throughout Every Company Milestone 

Corporate events are a brilliant way to network with potential clients in the field and expand your brand. It is the finest venue for collaborating with peers on a large project--- a landmark that promotes a sense of belongingness, leaving a significant impact on company image and employee productivity. 

Public personas are vital elements that contribute to the success of a business in today's world, and the corporate members are the true ambassadors of the company— which is why thoughtful corporate gifts, be it in-house or events, are crucial for fortifying bonds with employees, affirming commercial partnerships with clients, and retaining customer loyalty. Corporate gift-giving is demonstrated to improve business activities, resulting in the stimulation of positive financial returns. 

But if we were to look at it environmentally— arranging an event involves encouraging hundreds, or sometimes, even thousands of individuals to take part in activities. Take into account the amount of CO2 that is being exhaled when you consider the situation— it is obvious that corporate events have their fair share of significant environmental impacts. Hosting green events can help offset event-related carbon emissions by funding sustainable initiatives, i.e., organic promotional products

We live in a time and space that bubbles to the seams with passion— people are continuously looking to transition to greener alternatives, including the clothes they wear. Fair Trade Certified, wholesale organic cotton t-shirts are the viable, stylish, and professional choice for corporate events. Why? Organic cotton apparel is designed and created to last a long time while giving the wearer the softest comfort--- highly beneficial especially for the hardworking employees working outdoors to promote your business.

Wholesale Promotional Corporate T-shirts From Gallant

Gallant’s commitment to eco-societal sustainability starts from the farm, and all the way to your corporate space— obtaining rain-fed organic fiber, safe working conditions, fair wages, transparent supply chains, and green packaging solutions. 

We design and create our eco-conscious products from certified organic cotton, which is environmentally friendly, softer, and exceptionally more durable than conventional cotton. Manufactured high ethical and social standards using low-impact dying processes, our 100% customizable bulk t-shirts are available in brilliant colors that span the spectrum of light. 

But we do not stop there— Gallant believes it has a role to play in promoting socioeconomic, social, and environmental welfare for the earth and its inhabitants. We are empowered by the grandeur of nature and an entrepreneurial spirit to facilitate transformational changes. A certified B-Corporation adhering to strict socio-environmental practices, transparency, visibility, and accountability.

The commitment to reduce corporate event carbon emissions is a serious investment. Everyone involved has to be on board— from the company members, guest attendees, caterers, service staff, third-party coordinators, to the event promotional products supplier. Gallant can assist businesses in making the transition to greener events through the most sustainable wholesale supplies. We hope to continue empowering brands in promoting a dynamic corporate culture and artistic creation, complying with environmental regulations. Gallant’s sustainable promotional products help you raise the awareness of environmental activism while simultaneously promoting the brand image.


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