15 things to know about B Corporation

More businesses are understanding the importance of accountability, environmental stewardship, and transparency. Leading to an exponential rise in the number of Certified B Corporations worldwide— currently, there are 4000 Certified B Corporations in over 70 countries spread across 150 industries. The United States has the highest number of B-corps with California topping the list (per capita). Carrying a Certified B Corp label means being a catalyst for change, a mission that Gallant International Inc. is committed to pursuing in all of our business operations.

B Corp logo

The B Corp Movement

The B Corp movement has created a big impact since its inception around 15 years ago. Companies and brands invest time, capital and initiatives to achieve and maintain the B Corp status— it involves passing through a stringent process to achieve social and environmental benchmarks. A validated group of organizations sharing a set of core values to make a difference. 

And as a B corp manufacturer and supplier, we're excited to share 15 things about the amazing organization:

  1. B Corp was founded in 2006 in the United States, and in 2007, it certified 82 businesses. At present, there are about 4,000 B Corps spread across 76 countries and 150 industries.

  2. Certified B Corporations are enterprises meeting or exceeding the eco-social criteria, along with practicing brand transparency and accountability.

  3. Any brand from any industry can apply for the certification.

  4. Only companies who have been in operation for 12 months or more can apply for the full B-Corp certification. Startups and booming businesses can apply for a pending B-Corp status.

  5. Organizations must apply for recertification after a three-year cycle post being certified to demonstrate their updated compliance with the B-Corp standards.

  6. Among the renowned names in the B-corp club include Patagonia, AllBirds, The Body Shop, and Ben & Jerry's. Patagonia was the first enterprise in California to apply for B-certification.

  7. B Corp is not about assessing a specific product or service, but the company as a whole. It is about how the company operates, employee treatment, energy usage, and environmental impacts.

  8. All certified B-Corps must (legal obligation) evaluate the impact of their operations on the environment and society, alongside their revenue generation.

  9. B Lab's Best for the World honors B Corps around the world whose b-impact score places them in the top 5% of their industry. The areas assessed include community, customers, environment, governance, and workers. In 2021, the list included nearly 800 B Corps from more than 50 countries.

  10. Current B-Corps are large, medium, and small-sized companies, but mostly comprises small to medium-sized businesses.

  11. Nearly 900 B Corps from more than 50 countries have committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030.

  12. B Corporation is taught at academic institutions around the world– B-corps's World Leadership School partners with K-12 schools to enable future leaders with new ideas and solutions to address globally challenging issues.

  13. Consumers can verify any B-corp's impact rating. You check out Gallant's b-impact here.

  14. The B Corp directory can help you find B Corps in your area.

  15. B-Corp offers a credible platform for companies to conduct their actions the right way, and the customers to incentivize businesses that are working for a cause.

Being a B Corp is paramount to Gallant. Gallant International Inc. is a B Corp, and we are dedicated to creating and offering responsible products for businesses that make the world a better place to live in. The standards of B Corp are integrated into our fundamental principles of being a guiding light, aiming to educate and spread awareness around us— we are incredibly proud to be a member of a phenomenal corporation with a noble mission. 


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