15 things to know about GOTS

GOTS, the full form of GOTS stands for "Global Organic Textile Standard."  GOTS is an organic textile processing standard that assures social and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) label on a product is important to environmentally conscious shoppers. It is the highest organic fiber processing standard worldwide— and Gallant takes pride in offering products that are GOTS certified.

The accreditation ensures ethical production with the minimum chemical inputs possible while assuring high-quality products for the users. The certification can be applied to any natural fiber product like cotton, yarn, and other textiles.

things to know about GOTS

That said, here are quick 15 facts about the GOTS certification:

  1. Four organizations collaborated in 2002 to consolidate the GOTS principles: Organic Trade Association (OTA, USA), Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft (IVN, Germany), The Soil Association (UK), and Japan Organic Cotton Association (JOCA, Japan).

  2. The GOTS fills the market gap with globally recognized standards that encompass all organic fibers, including cotton, silk, wool, and bamboo. The goal of the standard is to provide high-quality, environmentally friendly textiles.

  3. There are two GOTS labels products can obtain. Label-grade 1: "Organic" (this has at least 95% certified organic fibers) or label-grade 2: "Made with X% Organic" (at least 70% certified organic fibers).

  4. Recycled synthetic fibers and regenerated fibers make up the rest of the percentage– 5 to 30% of fibers.

  5. GOTS products cannot contain more than 10% synthetic fibers except for items having moisture-wicking concerns like athletic clothing, socks, etc. In such cases, up to 25% of synthetic fibers are allowed— for enhancing the lightweight and absorbent performance.

  6. GOTS certification regulates the overall organic textile supply chain--- from procurement to production, processing, and manufacturing. It takes into account the packaging, labeling, trade, and distribution techniques before certifying the market-ready product.

  7. The GOTS certification ensures the restricted usage of chemicals at every level, minimizing the likelihood of chemical-induced ailments.

  8. The product must pass through GOTS qualified operators at every distribution point to obtain GOTS certification— the textile must be produced, handled, and packaged in GOTS-certified facilities, fulfilling all the required standards.

  9. The packaged product arriving directly to the retailers from GOTS facilities does not require further certification. But distributors and retailers handling their product packaging will need the certification.

  10. Raw fibers must be grown in compliance with the standards of the global umbrella organization of organic agriculture transformation, i.e., IFOAM Organics International

  11. GOTS assess the dyes, bleach, process chemicals, and auxiliaries for safe consumption during the production and manufacturing process. It forbids aromatic solvents, dyes containing carcinogenic compounds, GMOs, harmful substances, chlorine bleach, toxic heavy metals, formaldehyde, etc. These can compromise the well-being of the environment and human health.

  12. All wet processing operations must have a detailed record of the chemical and energy usage while also monitoring water utilization. It must be treated in an operative treatment plant and discharged properly to protect the environment from byproducts leaks.

  13. Single-use virgin plastic hangers are prohibited in retail packaging of GOTS Goods. Synthetic packaging material shall not contain chlorinated plastics (e.g. PVC). The use of plastic packaging materials should be minimized. Paper or cardboard used in packaging material for the retail trade of GOTS Goods (incl. labelling items such as hang tags or swing tags) shall be recycled from pre- or post-consumer waste or certified according to a program that verifies compliance with sustainable forestry management principles. 

  14. Any final product labelled according to GOTS Standard will need to comply with the perspiration fastness, light fastness, washing fastness and technical quality parameters.

  15. Employment at GOTS certified facilities is carried out following the International Labor Organization's key standards (ILO). Facilities must employ safe and sanitary working environments, fair wages, and practice no discrimination, mistreatment, or child labor.


Certification standards like Global Organic Textile Standard help consumers determine a product's friendliness to people and the environment. With the label gaining more traction than ever, manufacturers and suppliers have started focusing on ways to lessen their ecological consequences by using sustainable materials like organic cotton or finding innovative means to use recycled materials.

At Gallant, we have products made of organic cotton that are GOTS certified (Label grade 1). Our products are designed to provide a sustainable wholesale experience.  

Give us a call at 949-680-4004 or email us at gallant@gallantintl.com if you are in need of custom GOTS certified products

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