What Makes a Farm Organic?

Organic farming is an environmentally sound farming method that considers the natural ecosystem functions and human health. The agricultural practices include crop rotation, soil management, weed control, pasture-raised livestock, and no genetic alterations. The demand for organics is on a fast rise as people are becoming more aware of the impact of their purchases on their health and the environment. Global organic sales reached the highest milestone of $9.9 billion in 2019. And between 2016 and 2019, the number of certified farms in the U.S. increased by 17%. However, despite the soaring statistics, only less than 1% of all U.S. farmland is certified organic. A squandered incentive for American farmers and the potential of organic certification in both commercial and environmental sense. So, what makes organic farming special? Before we discuss the features of organic farms, let’s first talk about what organic farming is. 


US organic food retail sales by category

Source: USDA

What is Organic Farming? 

Organic farming is an agricultural practice that uses biological pesticides and fertilizers derived from plants or animal waste. It began as a response to the environmental harm caused by the use of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides in conventional farms. In a nutshell, organic farming is a type of agriculture or farming that improves, maintains, and repairs the equilibrium of the ecosystems. 

Features of Organic Farming

  • Organic farming strengthens the soil by including aggregates that make it stronger against erosion and runoffs. Healthy soil serves as the basis for organic production, given that soil is responsible for about 95% of the global food supply. And the concept here is that the better the quality of the soil, the higher will be the food security. It also means a greater chance of counteracting climate change. A louder presence of organic matter aids in defense of plants against illness and supplies more nutrients, facilitating higher levels of carbon sequestration. They also help absorb water and nutrients and produce natural antibiotics for the plants. To put it simply, farms that practice organic agricultural methods help increase soil health and organic matter, gradually promoting the overall biodiversity functions.

  • The pro-environment farming techniques of organic farms aid in nutrient optimization and prevent weeds and pest invasion. Steps like planting cover crops and crop rotation eliminate the risk of stripping the soil of its nutrients. Crop rotations are grown for one year in a certain region, depending on cost and water availability. This helps prevent water contamination, recycles farm waste, and lessens the demand for chemical inputs. Additionally, it promotes the microbes that boost soil formation. Organic farms also offer farmers a safe environment for cultivation, the option of multiple crop plantations, spare financial expenditures on expensive chemical fertilizer, and offers premium incentives.

  • Tilling is a farming practice for loosening compacted soil and getting rid of weeds, among other things. But it can, in the process, dismantle crucial fungi networks and increase the risk of weed attack and soil erosion. To avoid such issues, most organic farms use minimal to no-tilling. No tilling method ensures that the carbon collected in the soil stays trapped while sustaining soil health. One in five agricultural acres across America thriving without tillage speaks for the benefits of the no-till approach. However, Rodale Institute notes that tillage is necessary for organic farms for weed control- but, of course, tilling with handheld tools and roller crimpers over aggressive industrial machinery.

  • Unlike conventional farming, organic farming techniques focus on beneficial organisms and the natural environment for pest management. It steers clear of chemical pesticides and herbicides that contaminate air and water and kill soil microorganisms. The safe and holistic approach toward pest control encourages a harmonious relationship in the agro-ecosystems.

  • The principles of organic farms extend to livestock rearing. The use of antibiotics and growth hormones is restricted. Instead, it emphasizes promoting animal health in organic ways. This results in healthier and tastier meat and dairy products, free of harmful chemicals. Further, organic livestock agriculture includes rotational grazing which prevents overgrazing and robbing the pasture of its nutrients. Animals shuffling grazing areas allows the land enough time to recover and strengthen its roots. Pasture-raising methods also ensure animals get plenty of sunshine and fresh air, contributing to their health and happiness.

Benefits of Organic Agriculture

  • Environmental Friendly: The organic methods of cultivation and livestock rearing considers the environment in all of its operations and ensures minimal to no negative eco-footprints. 

  • Greater Nutritional Value: Organic products are more nutrient-dense, palatable, and healthier than conventional meat and dairy products reared with chemicals and fertilizers.

  • Cost-Effective: Organic farms plant crops without the use of high-priced nitrogen fertilizer, pesticides, or hybrid seeds. It eliminates the casualty of extra expenditures or slipping into the loop of debts for the farmers. 

  • Growing Demand: The demand for organics is fast increasing worldwide, ultimately impacting the international market value and profit returns. 

  • Higher Profitability: A farmer can achieve a high rate of return by using less expensive local inputs.


What makes organic farms stand out is the close attention it pays to how the farming system affects the environment as a whole while preserving the species and natural areas. The global population is increasing at a rate of 1-2% yearly, and the only way to satisfy the food chain supply would be to stabilize agricultural production sustainably. Resource degradation, pollution, and damages to indigenous crop varieties— the unintentional ramifications of the Green Revolution (the use of excessive farming inputs) have proven to be costly for the world. It’s time for a new agricultural revolution that ensures the perseverance of a natural balance for the survival of life and resources. The obvious solution to sustaining the planet and everything (and everyone) on it is more pertinent now than ever! 

Related blog: Difference between GMO and Non-GMO

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